As it will be printed on your certificate
   The 13th Annual Saudi Endodontic Society Conference - Riyadh
      Conference Workshops:
        Endodontic Microsurgery April 28 Prof. Paula Villa     
        Predictable and Minimally Invasive Removal of Broken Instruments April 29 Prof. Yoshi Terauchi     
        Management of External Cervical Resorption May 2 Prof. Shanon Patel     
        Root Canal Shaping with a Simplified Approach & 3D Obturation vs. Single Cone with Hands-on Obturation Continuous Wave Technique May 2 Prof. Philippe Sleiman     
        The Modern Practice of Apexification May 2 Dr. Obadah Austah     
        Retrieve Separated File during Endodontic Procedures May 2 Dr. Mohammad Aldakak     
        Endodontic Retreatment May 2 Dr. Mohammed Alharbi     
Select what you will attend to see the cost you should pay
Payments are non-refundable